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The international Conference of the Russian-American project RUSALCA started 9th of October in Montenegro.

Members of the government of Montenegro, ambassadors of Russian Federation, United States of America and the United Nations in Montenegro became honorable guests of the event. Special session is arranged for them within the framework of the Conference.

Greeting from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation for the participants of the Conference was transferred by the Ambassador at Large, Executive Secretary of the Russian-American Bilateral Presidential Commission, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation E.R.Malayan. “In the connection with the beginning of the process of the “reset” of Russian-American relations and creation of the Russian-American Bilateral Commission under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation D.Medvedev and the President of the United States of America B.Obama the clear necessity was revealed to fill the work of this Commission with the substantial projects. I would like to notice that the RUSALCA project which is carried out already almost for 7 years, is the good example of such project. Its purpose is carrying out multidisciplinary long-term observations for the understanding of the reasons and consequences of climatic changes in the Pacific sector of the Arctic.
Thanks to the success of the project, now there is a possibility to use RUSALCA as ”the center of crystallization” for the intensification of Russian-American cooperation in the Arctic region. The inclusion of the RUSALCA project in the list of the projects supported by the Working Group on Science and Technology of the Russian-American Bilateral Presidential Commission particularly serves this goal.”

Concerning the Conference opening one of initiators of the RUSALCA project, the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician N.P.Laverov has said the following: «The conference of the RUSALCA project opens during time, characterized by the growth of the attention to the Arctic and strengthening of the international cooperation in the region. The continuing discussion about the causes of the climate change makes RUSALCA project very important from the scientific point of view. Besides, this project is an example of the successful Russian-American cooperation in such a sensitive region for both parties, as Bering strait. The project has endured different stages of relations between our two countries and now is getting even more strong».

Participants of the Conference will discuss results of the research of physics of the sea water, chemistry of nutrients, pelagic and benthic biology, methane, bottom sediments and basic elements of the Arctic atmospheric chemistry.

Reports on the results of the experiments made during the RUSALCA project expeditions in the northern part of Bering sea as well as to East Siberian and Chukchi seas and sertain areas of Arctic Ocean will represent results of the hydrophysical, biological and geological research. Among authors of the Conference presentations - heads of the RUSALCA project expeditions, such as professor Terry Whitledge, professor Rebecca Woodgate, Vladimir Smolin, Vladimir Bakhmutov as well as the leaders of the scientific directions of the project, well known scientists, professors Robert Pickart, Russell Hopcroft, Jackie Grebmeier, Brenda Norcross, Bodil Bluhm, Catherine Mecklenburg, Alexander Savvichev, Anatoly Astakhov, etc.

In a final part of the Conference the separate seminar on research of the methane and black carbon in Arctic region will take place.

The special session on the environmental problems of Montenegro will be arraneged within the framework of the Conference, where several reports will be presented on the national priorities in the field of the environment preservation, climatic program realization, Montenegro Environmental Agency plans and the results of the mathematical modeling of the Bokakotorsky gulf.

The RUSALCA project conference is arranged by the Russian company Alliance Group LLC under the cooperation agreement with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the USA and Russian Academy of Sciences.